Saturday 27 November 2010

Mobile fax machine

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You should not be using a fax machine to send faxes in the 21st century. Your computer gives you more options, features and security.

  • You get to pick your own local number,
  • You can opt to have an international number if you prefer,
  • Voice to email/fax is included,
  • You can manage and archive faxes indefinitely.

Besides the introduction of the telegraph and telephone, it could be argued that email is one of the biggest developments in communications we currently have at our disposal. It has made communicating instant and portable, available anywhere, anytime. The same goes for online or mobile faxing, all your faxing is truly portable as long as you have a connection to the Internet.

A mobile fax service uses your email system and your web connection to send and receive all your faxes, which are sent as email attachments. In order to use an online fax service you first have to sign up to a provider who will give you a local or toll-free fax number. You are also given an online account or interface where you can log in to check your faxes. You can also send your faxes from here and/or you can also get a desktop application to send and receive your faxes from your desktop or email program.

What makes online faxing mobile?

Besides the fact that everything is handled online, this new modern way of faxing is truly portable because any mobile device such as a cell phone or laptop can be used as your fax machine. Not only those gadgets, just think of the countless portable devices which we have... iPods, netbooks, smart phones, BlackBerries, iPads... and the list goes on. We can use any of these mobile devices to send and receive our faxes, liberating yourself and your business from the office setting and the old fax machine.

What are the benefits of a mobile fax service?

Perhaps, one of the greatest benefits is the fact that your company or business is open and accessible around the clock, 365 days of the year. Your company is no longer limited to business hours or even a physical location for that matter, you can take your business with you, regardless of where you go. This sense of freedom and portability is extremely important for companies where faxing plays a vital role in bringing in sales, contacting clients or where fast immediate communication is called for.

Besides the portability factor, this new type of faxing has many more benefits, especially for a company on a tight budget. First, since everything can be handled through your current equipment, start-up costs are next to nil. There are no extra fax phone lines to install, nor any need for the conventional fax machine and its maintenance. No need for messy inks and toners. No need for papers since this is paperless faxing.

Plus, online or mobile faxing is much cheaper than regular faxing. On average the monthly charge is around $8 - $10, but there are cheaper services available so it pays to shop around and compare fax services before you sign on the dotted line. Thankfully, most of these service providers have 30 Day Free Trials so you can test-run a service for free. Also remember, most of these services offer corporate plans which are completely scalable to meet your company's growing needs.

One last point, because these mobile fax services are very convenient and available around the clock, it may make your company much more competitive, especially in this "dog-eat-dog" economic climate. Having such an accessible fax service may just give your company the edge it needs to compete. The only other question you have to ask: can you or your company afford NOT to have an online or mobile fax service? Your call.

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